Monday, 1 August 2011

Yorkshire Dales

Who decides what scenery is beautiful, and what isn't? Who decides what is art, and what isn't? Nobody really has the power to do either of those things, because everyone has their own opinion. Some people may hate one photo whereas some other person may love it. But sometimes, we have to agree to disagree.

"The area lies within the historic county boundaries of Yorkshire, though it spans the ceremonial counties of North Yorkshire, West Yorkshire and Cumbria. Most of the area falls within the Yorkshire Dales National Park, created in 1954, and now one of the fifteen National parks of Britain, but the term also includes areas to the east of the National Park, notably Nidderdale." - Wikipedia.  

For years now people have retreated to the Yorkshire Dales for both the scenery and the escape/adventure. Everybody goes to the Dales for a different reason; Peace and quite, to relax, get away, spend time with the family, see the places of Britain, or just go because you have some free time to waste. But the Dales is a place that everybody should visit before they die, even if it isn't your kind of place - it will be when you go. There are extensive areas where a true sense of tranquillity, remoteness and a sense of solitude can still be found - which is rare in England today. It is indeed one of Britain’s 'breathing spaces'. This tranquillity is enhanced by the natural sounds of wind, water and birdsong, offering ‘spiritual exercise and enjoyment’, the very thing Dower and Hobhouse referred to in their 1940s reports that laid the foundation for National Park designation in this country.
With its open fells and numerous valleys, the Dales offers expansive views that show the area’s true beauty and variety. With ever-changing light, seasonal variations and occasional severe weather create visual drama and contrast, enhances the spirit of the place. The area is particularly special at night - limited light pollution means the night retains darkness allowing the moon, stars, planets and atmospheric effects to sparkle. Fresh air, clear water and a clean environment enhance the area’s appeal for healthy exercise, refreshing the body and the spirit. The area is important for the range and quality of natural resources it offers for outdoor recreation and its opportunities for accessing them. In particular, its historic and extensive network of footpaths, bridleways and tracks, supplemented by extensive areas of public access, provide opportunities for quiet enjoyment.
Things to do while there -

  • Walk part of the famous Pennine Way, Wainwright's Coast-to-Coast Walk cuts across the region and The Dales Way and The Ribble Way will appeal to both experienced walkers and weekend hikers.
  • Rock Climbing
  • Caving
  • Horse Riding
  • Fishing
  • Fell running
  • Various water sports
  • Air sports
  • RELAX!
 "The Yorkshire dales is renowned for one of England's toughest challenges, the Yorkshire 3 peaks, comprising Whernside, Ingleborough and Pen Y Ghent, all to be completed within 24 hours, I have done Pen Y Ghent and the views from the summit are amazing. The Yorkshire Dales is like stepping back in time, beautiful unspoilt countryside, sheep everywhere you look, farms, lovely little villages, great pubs (Black Sheep and Theakstons are unmissable) and emanates traditional English country life." - PinkMuppet

"The Yorkshire Dales National Park, one of Britain's most beautiful areas of natural beauty, with thousands of people arriving each year to enjoy the lush green valleys, wildlife, attractions and limestone scenery. Whether it be a visit to go walking, or simply to relax and get away, whatever your reason, the Yorkshire Dales will offer an enjoyable experience for people of all ages and walks of life." - Mal7442

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Just a little introduction

Hi guys, well first of I'll tell you a bit about myself. I'm sixteen and from Yorkshire, England. Where I live there's pleanty of places that I've yet to visit, such as the Yorkshire Dales and Lake District but I've got pleanty of time to do all of that. If you're from Yorkshire you'll probably know what I mean when I say there isn't much to photograph because most of Yorkshire is filled with drunks, chavs and pubs. I'm really hoping that its not just British people who are reading my blog, that's why I'm going to try get as many people to read this as possible! So I'll try use words that people from America and such will understand, which means I'll have to cut back on a few words such as chav etc.

In September I will be starting a Phography class at my College so I'll probably be taking loads of snaps, so hopefull I'll have loads of photo's to upload to share with you all! Sometimes I might even post a couple and let you people deicde which photos I should keep or ditch for a school project or something similar. Maybe the focus isn't right on the photo, or the lighting isn't right, that's why I have you guys though - to help me decide and choose which photo's work, and which don't! So up until September I won't have many interesting photos to upload but I'll certainly try! I may upload some from previous holidays and events just to fill my blog up! There will be pleanty of my puppy, so all you animal lovers, hang in there!

I'm really sorry if I'm boring you, I've never 'blogged' before, so I'm new to all of this! Also, who knows, I might be writing to nobody because nobody might read this, so please, if you are reading this, leave me a comment so I know that I'm not writing for the sake of it! Yeah maybe not every post will be interesting, but I'll try make it so it is! If it's a photo of a ski slope in Austria, I'll try describe it in as much depth possible and tell you what it was like to ski down. Or maybe its some photos of my holidays in Spain - I'll tell you all the interesting stories that happened there!

I doubt every post will be about photos, some might just be to have a rant about whats happened or something along those lines. But honestly, I can assure you, it will be worth the read!

Thanks guys, and I hope that somewhere, someone is reading this!

The floral photos were photos that were taken yesterday - 29/07/2011.